5 Vaping Facts You Need to Know

You aren’t alone if you have contemplated quitting smokingAlmost 7 of 10 smokers want to kick the habit as they are aware of the harmful effects of smokingIt is an amazing decision for the sake of your health if you manage to quit smoking as smoking harms almost all organs within your body, including your heart. Almost one-third of casualties due to cardiac diseases are due to smoking and secondhand smoke. You may be allured to switch to electronic cigarettes, such as vape pens, e-cigarettes, and other vaping equipment as a method to ease the transition from conventional cigarettes to no smoking. 


However, the question is whether smoking e-cigarettes, also known as vaping is better for you compared to using tobacco products? Let us find out the 5 crucial vaping facts. 


  1. Studies Prove That Vaping Is Bad for Your Lungs and Heart 


Nicotine happens to be the main agent both in normal cigarettes as well as e-cigarettes, and it is extremely addictive. It compels you to crave a smoke and suffer withdrawal symptoms when you ignore the craving. Nicotine is a toxic substance as well. It enhances your blood pressure and runs through your adrenaline, which increases your heart rate and the possibility of suffering from cardiac attack.  


To conclude if vaping is bad for us, then please note that there are lot of unknowns regarding vaping, including what chemicals constitute the vapor and how they adversely affect physical health in the long runAccording to a few experts, E-cigarettes are potentially dangerous for your health. Fresh data suggest links to asthma and other chronic lung diseases, and associations between dual use of e-cigarettes and smoking with cardiovascular disease. You expose yourself to all types of chemicals that we are yet to understand and are probably unsafe. 


  1. Vaping Is Less Harmful Than Smoking, but Still Unsafe 


The main function of e-cigarettes is to heat nicotineextricated from flavorings, tobacco, and other chemicals to create an aerosol that you are expected to inhaleNormal tobacco cigarettes have 7,000 chemicals, most of which are toxic. As we are unsure about the exact chemicals in e-cigarettes, there’s almost no doubt that they expose you to lesser toxic chemicals compared to conventional cigarettes. It has also been observed that there has been an epidemic of lung injuries and casualtierelated to vaping.  


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people adhere to the following- 


  • Never apply THC-containing e-cigarette or vaping products 

  • Refrain from using informal sources, like friends, family, or online dealers to acquire a vaping device. 

  • Never modify or include any substances to a vaping device that are not proposed by the manufacturer. 


  1. Electronic Cigarettes Can’t be the Ideal Smoking Cessation Tool 


Irrespective of the fact, that they’ve been promoted as an aid to facilitate you quitting smoking, e-cigarettes are yet to receive Food and Drug Administration approval as smoking cessation devices. A recent revealed that the maximum number of people who intended to apply e-cigarettes to give up the nicotine habit ended up smoking both conventional as well as e-cigarettes. 


In the aftermath of the EVALI epidemic, the CDC had advised that adults who apply e-cigarettes for smoking cessation are venerable to the risks and benefits and contemplate the application of other FDA-recognized smoking cessation options. 


  1. Electronic Cigarettes Are Simply as Enslaving as Regular Ones 


Both normal cigarettes, as well as e-cigarettes, have nicotine, which studies reveal could be as addictive as heroin and cocaine. The worst part is that a lot of e-cigarette users receive even more nicotine compared to what they would from a tobacco product. You may purchase additionally strong cartridges, with a higher concentration of nicotine, or you can enhance the e-cigarette’s voltage to receive a greater hit of the substance. 


  1. Younger Generation Is Getting Obsessed with Nicotine 


Among the younger generation, e-cigarettes have gained more popularity compared to any conventional tobacco product. In 2015 onlystudies revealed that e-cigarette consumption among high school students had witnessed a hike of 900%, and 40% of young e-cigarette users had never consumed normal tobacco. 


There could be three reasons why e-cigarettes could be extremely alluring to the youth of the country. First, a lot of teens assume that vaping is less harmful compared to smoking. Second, e-cigarettes have a lower per-user cost compared to regular cigarettes. Lastly, vape cartridges are often created with flavorings like apple pie and watermelon that allure to younger users. 

Everyone finds the lack of smoke to be attractiveDue to the lack of smell, e-cigarettes minimize the stigma of smoking. 




You can avail yourself of all the authentic items from the best vape shop in Ontario. Never fall into the trap laid by anyone with misleading ads. 


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