5 Steps to Clean a Dangerous Dirty Bong

You need nohave to purchase any fancy kit to clean your bong. The basic things that will make the task easier for you are pieces of cotton or fabric, salt, water, alcohol, and a cleaning brush. If you feel that the whole process is challenging to remember, then religiously follow the abbreviation WSAB i.e., WShould Always Brush. However, W stands for water, S stands for Salt, A stands for Alcohol and B stands for Brush only. This isn’t in any literal sense but a rule only to make you remember the sequence. 

The following steps are endorsed even by the bong distributors in Ontario for cleaning your dirty bong- 


First Step: Rinse Your Bong 


Dump your old dirty bong water out and rinse it multiple times with hot water. Additionally, rinse out your bowl and down stem and keep them in a different plastic bag. 


Second Step: Include Cleaning Solution 


Include the alcohol and salt both to your bong and bag with down stem and bowl. If it’s a rigid stain, allow it to sit for a while with lots of alcohol. As soon as you’re prepared, include more salt. 


Third Step: Cover Openings 


Apply a towel, your hand, or whatever is available to cover the openings of the bong. do not forget to firmly seal your bag with the down stem and bowl. 


Fourth Step: Shake 


Now, you need to shake, but very cautiously as to avoid dropping or whacking it on anything. Allow the salt to perform the scrubbing on your behalf. 


Fifth Step: Empty, Rinse and Use 


Clear the alcohol and salt solution. Rinse with the help of warm water until each bit of salt is out. Still, if there are few spots, repeat the procedure but leave the alcohol and salt solution to sit longer.  


Dangers of a Dirty Bong 


Pathogens and bacteria love to stay in dirty waterYou must have watched a film that seemto be on the surface of any water surface, for example, a glass of water left abandoned for 24-hours. That shiny film is known as a biofilm. 


If you can notice it on your bong at presentpossibilities are it has surfaced itself on your bong along with its microscopic compatriots. The film may be a host to multitude of types of yeasts, bacteria, and other microorganisms. 


The worst thing regarding the biofilm is its quality of formation on the surface within just 24 hours. The surface turns out to be happy hunting ground for a lot of microbes like yeast and bacteria. If these microbes are offered sufficient amount of nutrients and water supply, then they begin inhabiting themselves inside your bong and maybe inside your lungs as well. Can you imagine, what could be the consequences of inhaling a bunch of microbes every time you take a hit? 


Additionally, every puff solidifies the resins, making them all the more inconvenient to clean. 

Most importantly, the biofilm is resistant to antibiotics. The antibiotics are unable to penetrate the film and becomuseless during the treatment of diseases caused because of it. 


The bottom line is that it isn’t only about how shiny your glass is or how attractive the cannabis appears. A contaminated bong negates your smoking experience and makes it unhygienic and unhealthy. It is prone to diseases such as malaria, pneumonia, typhoid, strep throat, emphysema cholera, and hepatitis A. It'll be too much to stomach, isn’t it? 


Rather thanallowing pathogens a direct path to your lungs, get rid of them from your bong by implementing the correct cleaning practices. 




Now that you are aware of the process to clean a bong, staying on top of it will make the process simpler without all the accumulation. Purchase your bongs only from the best quality vapes store in California 

After everything becomes clean, fill it up and enjoy! 



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