9 Tips to Taking Huge Bongs Rips


Bongs being the most popular smoking apparatus, perc bongs are the most recommended ones as the best bongs for beginnersThere are more opportunities for smoke filtration as perc bongs provide recreational smokers even smoother hits compared to usual bongs. Though smoking a bong is quite easy, a few key steps are suggested to get it right. Know the procedures to can up your bong game. 


1. Deep Breathing 


While smoking a perc bong, it is crucial to take slow and deep breaths. Before picking up your piece and beginning the process, exercise deep breathing. 

Utilizing your diaphragm will open your lungs, and enhance your breathing capacity. If you are ready to begin smoking, you will enjoy a higher endurance and can take longer breaths. This will let you take a large hit. 

Drinking alcohol reduces your breathing capacity. Refrain from drinking if you intend to take large hits. 


2. Skillfully Grind Your Dry Herb 


In a pinch, you can break up dry herb with scissors. This is one of the best and maybe the commonest way to improvise without smoking supplies. However, to allow an even burn, using a grinder is necessary. 

Finely ground herbs will evenly and slowly burn compared to larger pieces. If you smoke your perc bong socially, then finely ground herbs allow you to share your piece too. 


3. Resist Couching with a Mint 


Once the owner of an online head shop said that coughing impliethat you are smoking properly. Truly, most people tend to cough. But they need not have to. 

The reason for coughing as the smoke causes a dry mouth and throat. As drinking water and smoking simultaneously is absurd, there is another solution by keeping a mint or gum as it will help to create moisture in your mouth by allowing you to salivate. This may reduce coughing to some extentIf you adopt this process, refrain from choking. 


4. Cool Down the Smoke 


The percolators in a perc bong reduce the smoke’s temperature drastically. There are other ways to cool down the smoke tooFew water pipes let ice hits, which can be even smoother. 

Ash catchers facilitate keeping your pipe clean, apart from being an extra percolator. 


5. Focus on Bowl Size 


The size of the bowl, from any smoke shop online or wholesaleif inserted into the down stem of the bong and withdrawn toward the end of the hit, matters a lot. If you are intended to take a large hit, then you must utilize a small bowl. If you want to take a smaller hit, then apply a big bowl. 

Bigger bowls offer more airflow. This suggests that the smoke will be more concentrated, and the herb will burn better. Larger bowls feature more airflow, implying that they will generate less concentrated smoke. 


6. Observe Water Content 


This is a pertinent point to consider with your bong. The water in your bong makes a difference in the smoking experience. Devoid of water, it would only be another glass pipe. 

Usually, the down stem should be submerged in water. For perc bongs with multiple percolators, the percolators should be in the water too. 


7. Slowly Remove the Bowl 


Most bong smokers remove the bowl in a hurry. This is not, the ideal procedure. 

Removing the bowl will let the smoke travel through the bong, through your throat, and into the lungs. Withdrawing the bowl gradually, instead of all at once, will launch the smoke at a decent pace. Accordingly, your lungs can better receive and process the smoke. 


8. Breathe at the Conclusion of the Hit 


If implemented properly, a bong hit may be a very lengthy process. If you smoke individually or with friends, you should exploit the most of your herb. Make sure that you do not waste any smoke. If there is smoke that you can’t inhale into your lungs, then it will only enter the throat and may irritate. 

For avoiding this irritation and wasting herb, just conclude your hit with a breath of fresh air. By doing this, you propel the smoke into your lungs and exposes yourself to clean air at the beginning. 


9. Exhale Properly 


To prevent a major coughing fit, you must exhale correctly. Coughing occurs due to residual smoke that is not exhaled or is inappropriately exhaled. The ideal method to exhale smoke is to do it with some degree of force. Instead of doing this all at once, you can exhale half of the smoke too, then take a short breath, and exhale the rest. This breath will drive out the residual smoke outside your body. 

Post-exhalation, a few slow deep breaths should be taken to re-introduce your lungs to clean air. Later, restore the moisture content of your mouth by consuming some water. 

Gaining expertise in the fine art of smoking a bong can be quite rewarding. Apart from easing the sensation of smoking, you will also conserve your herb, and enjoy it. 


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