4 Tips To Smoke A Pipe Like A Pro

 It has been observed quite frequently that many people around us do smoke a pipe. Most pipes distributors in Ontario have found that many smokers don’t know how to inhale properly. As a result, they end up ridiculing themselves in the public domain.


Hope you don’t want to be counted amongst them as if you are a novice. You should smoke like an expert as if you are confident about what you are doing. There are certain wholesale smoke accessories that you should be aware of, e.g a pipe, pipe tool, pipe cleaners, lighters, and tobacco. 


Steps to smoke like an experienced person


  1. Stuff the bowl with tobacco-- This could be the most challenging of all the steps to grasp as it will determine your experience. Tobacco distributors in Ontario suggest packing the bowl loosely with tobacco and press it lightly down with the tamper tool. At this point, the bowl should be occupied halfway from the bottom. Fill the bowl again to the top and squeeze a little more, packing tightly this time. By now, your bowl must be around three-quarters full. Now refill the bowl with more tobacco and press down. There should be minimal space between the top of the bowl and the packed tobacco.


  1. Trial draw- Insert the pipe slightly into your mouth and conduct a trial draw. If the air doesn’t flow freely through the tobacco, you have to realize that it has been packed extremely tight. In such a scenario, extract the extra tobacco and start again. If your trial draw results in success, congratulations on your next step as you are prepared to light up.


  1. Light your pipe- Refrain from using matchboxes as the sulfur can transform the taste of the tobacco. Rather it is suggested that you grab your new pipe lighter and focus it towards the bowl as you take in softer draws on the pipe. Move the lighter in a circular motion to ensure the tobacco is evenly ignited. When it’s lit (known as a false light) you are going to let it go out and then re-ignite once again (known as a true light). Don’t assume pipe smoking and cigarette smoking are the same. Pipe smoking is dissimilar to cigarette smoking, so refrain from inhaling the smoke into your lungs as the tobacco is more impactful and is enjoyed more for the flavor than the inhalation.


  1. Be at ease and enjoy- A segment of smoking a pipe is the time you set aside to appreciate the tobacco. Many pipe-smoking fanatics rejoice in the time they have to set aside in their day to relax and savor their pipe. Do remember to take slow and steady puffs to prevent a burning sensation on your tongue known as a “tongue bite.” If your pipe goes out during your smoke, that’s perfectly fine, so simply re-ignite and continue

As explained above, do take time to be an expert. At the first attempt, you may or may not be successful. But you can continue trying till you smoke a pipe as if you are aware of what you are doing.


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