3 Best Types of Tobacco

 I remember once asking a tobacco distributor in Ontario about the best type of tobacco. He said that my question itself is very non-specific as commercial tobacco is available in three general varieties: Virginia, Burley, and Oriental. 


Now, it depends on you which type is best suited for you or more precisely which tobacco type is ideal for you. However, the three tobacco types can further be divided up into different subcategories, depending on their place of origin, the part of the plant taken, and the quality. But, in layman’s terms, you can choose from the three main types depending on your preference.


The basic features of these types of tobacco are as follows:


  1. Virginia Tobacco

I have heard glass bong distributors in Ontario referring to Virginia, as flue-cured tobacco. It is named so as it has originated in the U.S. state of Virginia.


It is regularly referred to as “bright tobacco” too, because of the yellow-orange colour it turns during the curing process. The heat-driven curing process reproduces the tobacco into a dry, mould-resistant product, making it a perfect choice for long-term storage.


Apart from its native North America, it grows well in subtropical regions with light rainfall like Zimbabwe and southern Brazil.


Virginia mixtures only contain flue-cured tobacco. No additives or flavours are utilized in its production. Even without additives, it can have a wide range of nicotine levels, spanning from 1%-3.5%.


It is the favoured tobacco type for cigarettes in Canada, the United Kingdom, and its native United States.


  1. Burley Tobacco

Burley tobacco produces a moderate greener leaf compared to Virginia tobacco according to online tobacco distributors in Ontario.


It needs heavier, higher soil to grow compared to its Virginian counterpart. It is a popular crop as it is easily available in the states of Maryland and Kentucky, as well as Malawi, Uganda, Indonesia and the countries of Central America.


Burley is treated via air-curing. The basic difference between this process and flue-curing is that air-curing takes place under any ambient conditions and no additional heat is applied as it isn’t needed at all.

The end product is alike in that it produces a dry, mould-resistant product. It varies, though, in that almost none of the tobacco’s natural sugars endure the process.


This transmits nearly a cigar-like quality to the tobacco, but can also make it somewhat annoying. Sugars like molasses or liquorice are often included after the fact to tone down this quality. It is sometimes combined with Virginia or Oriental tobacco to form an American blended cigarette.


  1. Oriental Tobacco

Oriental tobacco is the strongest of the three main varieties. Mushroomed in the arid regions of Turkey, the Balkans, and the Middle East, Oriental tobacco has a perfumed flavour. It is sun-cured, a method that encourages chemical changes that adds to its unique flavour.

I shared a gist of all three tobacco types. Now it is your call regarding which one to choose from depending on your suitability.


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