Know The Method of Choosing The Best Water Pipe


Bongs are often called bubbler, billy, or binger in different areas, and the glass water pipes are used for smoking tobacco or weed since medieval times. Bongs usually consist of a bowl and chamber that is used to hold the burning tobacco and the water is placed in the bottom of the bong. The smoke percolates through the water in the bongs and that cools the smoke as well as makes it smoother. 

  • How can I choose the best water pipe?

You need to understand the features and benefits of bongs thoroughly before choosing the right bong for you. Because once you know all the features of water pipes then you can easily select the perfect bong for you. You may visit a professional head shop in California, to see the different types of bongs. In the following section, we will mention the basic features and types of bongs to make the selection easier for you. 

  1. The popular shapes of bongs:

Bongs are available in different shapes and sizes and the most common of them are beakers and straight tubes. The basic difference in these models is the shape and the angle of the down stems. Beakers always have down stems set at 45-degree angles, while the straight tubes have 90 degrees down stems. The other popular shapes are rounded base bongs, bent neck bongs, recycler bongs, borosilicate pipes, Faberge egg water pipes, etc. Also, some other shapes are available at the popular online cigar shops in California and you may visit their website for a detailed idea. 

  1. The glass quality of bongs:

The quality of the glass used to make the bong is also important for choosing the right bong. Many users search for bongs or water pipes made of scientific-style glass, which is often referred to as “borosilicate” glass. Because this is the crystal clear type of hard glass as well as less susceptible to stress cracks and breakage and that makes the bongs quite harder while made of these hard glasses. So, while you visit and bong shop for collecting the right bong for you, then you should check the type of glass used to make the bong. 

  1. Check whether the down stem is fixed or removable:

The down stem is placed inside the tube to hold the bowl, slide, or nail, which can be either fixed or removable. The traditional tobacco pipes or concentrate pipes usually have fixed down the stem and in these systems, the down stems can’t be changed if required. While the other types of bongs have removable down stems and that can be customized as needed. Such as, the down stems can be replaced or exchanged as well as these are easier or safer for cleaning. So, when you visit a reputed head shop in California for purchasing a bong, then first check whether the down stem is fixed or removable. 

Final thoughts:

Once you start using a bong then you will easily understand the basic features and characteristics of bongs or water pipes. A professional cigarette supplier in Ontario provided me some useful accessories to increase the functionality of my favorite bong, like a splashguard, an ash catcher, etc. These useful accessories make the smoking experience more enjoyable as well as make cleaning the bongs very easy.  


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