How bad is smoking a pipe if I don't inhale?


Yes, smoking is harmful even if you don’t inhale. Smoking elevates the risk of cancers of the mouth, including the tongue, throat, and larynx. Also, several other illnesses may appear due to smoking even without inhaling. For this reason, these diseases may appear in pipe smokers of the fine cut tobacco. Consider this before visiting a head shop in California for the next time.

Smoking pipes with good quality long cut tobacco is safer than smoking cigarettes.  

Cigarette smokers may suffer from lung, pancreatic, and bladder cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). So tobacco t inhalation can cause emphysema and chronic bronchitis also increases the risk of tuberculosis, certain types of eye diseases, and affects the immune system, which can cause rheumatoid arthritis and restrict your natural movement. So you need to consider all these before you light the next cigarette. 

  • Which tobacco is least harmful? 

It may sound weird but the fact is the strongest tobaccos are the least harmful and for that reason, regular smokers like to smoke strong quality tobacco. The online cigar shops in California always promote strong quality tobaccos as their premium products. But when it comes to the question of life safety, we will confirm that both pipe and cigarette smoking is quite harmful to the health as well as we will suggest quitting tobacco addiction at the earliest for good. 

  • Is there any chance to smoke and not get cancer?

Nicotine-free cigarettes are usually promoted by the manufacturers as the safer cigarettes, but as per the health experts, these also may lead to some critical diseases. The nicotine-free cigarettes are made of herbal or organic products, such as lemongrass, cocoa bean shells, mint, and some other herbs. Smoking these nicotine-free alternatives may cause less harm than tobacco cigarettes, but don't mistake them for ‘safe’ cigarettes.

  • What is the nicotine level of a pipe of tobacco?

An average bowl-size of pipes usually contains one to three grams of tobacco and the nicotine level of average tobaccos ranges from 30 to 50 ml per gram. Now you can easily calculate the nicotine level in your pipe and how much nicotine level you are smoking or inhaling per day. Even pipe smokers don’t inhale the smoke but till some nicotine still reaches the bloodstream. The nicotine gets absorbed through the lining of the mouth and causes harm to our bodies. 


So smoking in any form and way is harmful, even if you don’t inhale the smoke. Now the strongest tobaccos are safer than the light and flavored or smelling tobaccos. If you smoke we will advise you to quit the habit as it harms your body and reduces your lifespan. The reputed tobacco stores in California also display caution along with their tobacco products as directed by the government. Last but not least mistake herbal nicotine-free cigarettes for “safe” cigarettes. So try to quit any kind of smoking habit for good. 


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