Top 5 Ice Bongs for Smooth Pulls

If you wish to take a smooth and a big hit off a bong from the smoking accessories distributors in Ontario , then it can only be guarantee d by a cough-free pull such as stacking the water pipe full of ice cubes. While c ooling down the smoke in a bong , can make a major difference as it comes to big rips, which may otherwise make you feel overpower ed and lead to chest discomfort. That’s why many bong smokers prefer to get a water pipe equipped with an ice catcher in the neck. In thi s arti cle, we’ve identified the top five choices for the best ice bongs for smooth pulls. 1. 16” Coil Perc Beaker with Removable Downstem It has been observed that maximum i ce bong users seem to share at least one common complaint . T hat’s the issue wi th splashback . After the melt in g of bong ice , it can raise the water level in the bong base and lead to spill age out of the downstem . W orse can happen when a bunch of dirty water fl ies into the smoker’s m...