5 Leading Bong Water Alternatives for Better Taste of Weed

Excellent quality bong water is indeed simply unparalleled when it comes to trustwort hiness, particularly when you can simply draw i t from the tap. However, there are alternatives suggested by the smoking accessories distribut ors in Ontario if you wish to change it up from time to time, or if you intend to improve the flavor of any low-quality weed. Hot Tea Tea happens to be an extremely popular alternative to standard bong water, and it provides an amazing spin on the conventional smoking experience. The heat of the tea contributes to rich, aromatic hits. Though the flavors aren’t quite obvious on the taste buds, the nose is feted to a sensory cascade. An extraordinary thing about tea is that there are nearly endless combinations, so there are plenty of opportunities to explore and find some delicious aromas. Advantages of Hot Tea Tremendous diversity Facilitates making smoother hits Inclu...